Rotor blade for innovative tidal generator

At flw speeds of up to 5 m/s, the rotors of tidal generator are subjected to high dynamic loads. In response, an intelligent, heavy-duty CFC rotor blade has been developed and produced by Avantgarde Technologie GmbH for the SCHOTTEL Group using VAP® technology and process engineering support from Composyst GmbH. To limit the shearing forces that can occur at overspeed, the intelligent blade adjusts in shape to enlarge its pitch angle. This signi_ cantly reduces thrust augmentation and keeps the load exerted on the tur bine and the supporting structure at a low level. The high load capacity and thus operational safety of the weight-reduced rotor blades is achieved in an integral production concept realized in the VAP® process for highly reliable infusion results.

In fact, VAP® delivers mechanical design implementation in aviation quality. The CFC preforms are dry-stacked and can be optimally draped even in the extreme geometry areas of the blade. By using a VAP® membrane system by Trans-Textil GmbH, Avantgarde Technologie also achieves homogeneous fiber volume content in the blade. Accordingly the blade offers reliable structural properties from its innovative load transfer hub to its tip.


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