VAP® Advanteges
VAP® advantages in the production process:
- Easy implementation
- Usage of existing tools
- Training by qualified experts
- Improved worker protection and low emissions due to closed process
- Uniform flow rates in the resin
- High process reliability
- Achievement of an exact and constant fibre volume content
“A homogeneous fibre volume content and low porosity in the laminate are proven to result in better component characteristics than those produced in any other known injection process.”
CCM University of Delaware
VAP® advantages in the end product
The VAP® process proves its strength especially when it comes to the series production of large complex components with a high degree of integration.
- Excellent component quality without dry spots
- Consistently stable and controlled process results
- High reproducibility
- Production of complex 3-dimensional shapes
- Maximum economy compared to other existing infusion processes
- VAP® in practice